My Story
I started my art career in 1998 working for a yearbook publishing company in Kansas City, Missouri. In 1999, I moved to Lowell, Arkansas, and worked as a prepress/preflight tech and graphic designer for 8 months, followed by a trade show exhibit company/sign shop for a year. The next decade was spent working for creative and marketing agencies as a graphic designer and art director. I decided in 2010 it was time to pursue my own clients and artwork full time. During 2012, I was commissioned to conceive artwork to serve as projections for playwright Oren Safdie’s premiered play at Arkansas Public Theatre, “Checks and Balances.” Safdie would go on to sell his play to Broadway Play Publishing. Broadway Play Publishing purchased rights to my piece, “Checks and Balances.” My artwork (“Storyteller” 4’ x 6’ mixed medium on board) for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History organization’s Black History Month celebration went on to be featured during their silent auction fundraiser in Washington D.C. My work has been featured on HGTV’s “Fixer to Fabulous” during its’ second and third seasons.
I opened my gallery, INTO+VIEW Art Gallery and Studios in 2021. My gallery focuses on under-represented and emerging artists of color, and women. INTO+VIEW serves as a vehicle for establishing critical context connections, solidarity, and a sense of community for the artists by means of exhibitions, musical performances, shared art experiences featuring culinary arts, and resident artists’ workshops. I am honored to be a Mid America Arts Alliance Artist360 grant recipient, and a 2022 Black Action Collective Leading With Excellence Honoree.